Surprisingly Happy Ending: Despite all the doom and gloom that Amy and Dan went through due to the Vespers, every Cahill comes out happy and part ways towards their homes, the world is saved due to the Machini Fini Mundi being buried under tons of rubble, and the surviving Vespers (Casper, Cheyenne and Sandy) are arrested for multiple crimes, after attempting to escape in secret.She does this by drinking Dan's Master Serum. FilmJabber is your source for film and movies. Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Isabel goes on one after her daughter, Natalie dies. Read the movie synopsis of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom to learn about the film details and plot.He ends up being crushed between the gears, kicking and screaming all the way, and his body melts afterwards. just as a Master Serum-infused Isabel pushes him into it.
Source: Public Library Recommended for Grades 1-3 Lots of kids say they like scary stories. Natalie Kabra, Evan Tollier, Damien Vesper III and Isabel Kabra all bite the bullet by the end. Review: The Notebook of Doom series Pop of the Bumpy Mummy (2014) Rumble of the Coaster Ghost (2016) Sneeze of the Octo-Schnozz (2017) Author: Tony Cummings Publisher: Scholastic, Inc.